It’s 4-way or the highway

Beerbliotek & All In & Frau Gruber & Freigeist Bierkultur

German Pale Ale

A four-way collaboration between two Swedish breweries and two German breweries brewed at our Gothenburg brewery. A German Pale Ale brewed with German Ale Yeast. Fruity esters from the yeast and citrusy tones from the hops are built on top of a malt body in the aroma, with a fairly pronounced grassy bitterness, reminiscent of a lager. Hopped with Hallertau Blanc, Cascade and Citra keeping traditional lager tones with a modern twist.

The design is a 4-way crossing, representing the four breweries and based on the name.

Project Details

  • Client: Beerbliotek
  • Date:  2016
  • Category: Illustration & Packaging design
  • Website:

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